Healing Addictions

Published on by Sacred Scribes



Addictions are a result of giving away our personal power and addictions of all kinds go hand in hand with negative feelings, situations, aspects and thought-patterns within ourselves, and can be the result of a lack of self-respect and low self-esteem.


Addictions can be destructive for all concerned … the ‘addict’ and family, friends and those close.


The substance of addiction  -  be it alcohol, caffeine, sugar, chocolate, illicit or prescription drugs etc may be potentially harmful in the long-term and/or large doses.


The addiction is a sign of inner weakness and lack of fortitude.  The fact that the addict believes they can’t live without it indicates a lack of personal control.


The long-term results of an addiction can become a negative thought-form or pattern as the brain keeps sending out the ‘demand and need’ messages and signals, and these become the main focus and driving force of the addict.


Below are some suggestions to help beat an addiction and break a negative habit.


·                    Focus on your intention.


·                    Be clear about your reasoning for giving up the addiction/habit.  eg. health concerns, vanity reasons, relationships, sociability, mental and/or physical state etc.


·                    Think about and concentrate on something you intensely dislike, that you can imagine and visualize next to your habit or addiction (eg cigarettes or chocolate) to put you off.


·                    Set a realistic date.


·                    Plan to make a definite decrease of your consumption day by day, marking the days off as you make positive progress.


·                    Avoid ‘trigger’ foods, situations or activities that you would usually associate with your habit or addiction.


·                    Avoid temptation.


Once you are aware of the effect of your thoughts you are able to control them and use them to their best and most positive effect and benefit.  We are able to consciously make ourselves (and others) more positive and light just by using our positive intentions and thoughts.


Love and Light



Sacred Scribes

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Pet and Animal Communication


Many pet owners believe that if we talk to our animals they will reply telepathically and our minds can interpret their feelings as words.  A number of successful pet/animal Healers around the world use this method to diagnose how an animal is feeling or what is wrong with him/her, and found it especially useful for diagnosing stress-related illnesses. 


One explanation for this ability to interpret animal thoughts as ‘words’ could be that the aura of the animal and the owner temporarily merge, so the two minds become as one.




Humans and animals seem to have unique and constant patterns of energy that intermingle and interact with those of other people and animals.  It may be that we are attracted to people and pets whose energy patterns are similar to our own, or in some way compliment our own emotional vibration.  This unseen and intangible connection may partially explain why we are drawn to choose an animal to be our pet that we had not originally planned on, and why we can be attracted by the adoring eyes of a physically ‘unlovely’ creature.


The name given to this energy field is the ‘Aura’.  Intuitive people may describe this aura in terms of bands of colour.  These colours can be matched against traditional colour meanings collected from the spiritual and magical writings of different cultures and ages, and seem to be very accurate in describing the personality and mood of a person or animal around whom they are detected.  The colours are sometimes seen in the mind’s eye, or to some people they appear as an external halo that is especially visible around the creature or person’s head.


Seeing An Aura


Every atom, particle and cell of all living things on this planet are surrounded by an energy field known as the ‘Aura’.  The aura has a series of layers and ‘meridians’ which are channels which convey energy around the body.


The hardest part about seeing an aura is learning to trust your intuitive or psychic vision.  Even if you are not aware of seeing actual colours, the process does make you more able to anticipate and ‘feel’ moods and temperaments of pet and people around you.  The exercise of looking for the aura opens your intuitive channels.


An animal’s aura generally extends from about 6 to 10 centimetres around the body.  This depends upon the spirituality of the animal, rather than its size.  As the animal’s body moves, the aura follows the line of the body.  At times of excitement or intense protectiveness towards an owner the aura expands  and the colours may become momentarily vibrant.  When an animal is totally in-tune with it’s owner, the auras of both pet and owner merge at the edges.


Create a time of stillness when you sit by your pet and share a communal quiet space in which communication through ‘aura merging’ can take place.  Evenings when the house is quiet is a perfect time, but make sure there are no outside distractions.  If you are working with a horse, twilight makes for a good time, when your horse is resting.  In this case, make physical contact by touching the horse lightly as you work.


1.       Face the animal/pet.


2.       Begin with a simple message of love spoken out loud, softly and repetitively, over and over for a minute or so.


3.       Let the words get softer until they become a whisper and then fade off into silence.


4.       Wait for about a minute or so then repeat the message.  Repeat this step 3 or 4 times.


5.       As you speak, visualize the animal’s aura moving closer to you so that similar colours from your aura and the animal’s flow in both directions and enclose both of you in a swirling mist or haze.  This is usually pink, green, purple and blue.  If you find it hard to picture the colours, use a fibre-optic lamp to simulate the experience until your own psyche takes over.


6.       After the third or fourth time you may feel a stirring in your mind as though light waves or a ripple of energy is moving between you and your pet, in bands of green and/or pink lights. 

You will be communicating heart to heart and mind to mind.


7.       Let the colours fade and separate. Repeat the experience a day or so later.  Next time you may hear words in the silence.  These would be the animal’s thoughts translated by your unconscious mind, into what is often a soft, low voice  -  or you may receive one or two distinct images straight from the animal’s mind.


8.       You can use this method to ask your pet about their wellbeing, to send healing or to receive information about any aspect of the pet’s feelings. You are also able to share your own feelings and thoughts.  If your pet has a message for you, he or she might sit silently and still, looking at you expectantly.


9.       Take any warnings or advice seriously because animal instincts are so much more evolved psychically and in-tune with unseen influences moreso than our own.



**      As you become more practiced you will only need to look at your pet through half-closed eyes to see the aura colours merging. 


Love and Light



Sacred Scribes

Information   Inspiration   Enlightenment   Empowerment


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