Marley's Settling In

Published on by Sacred Scribes

Marley’s Messages –
Settling In

Marley has settled in to our home, family and farm-life very quickly, and its been interesting to watch her initial interactions with the other animals on our farm. She’s quite fascinated with my pet pig Crackle, and barks and jumps around when we go out to feed her. Marley hasn’t been game enough to actually go into Crackle’s paddock just yet, but I’m sure that will come once she works up the courage. Pigs are said to be as intelligent as dogs, so the two will get on just fine I’m sure.

The horses (Rusty and Blaze) were a bit of a mystery for Marley at first and I think she was a little daunted by their size and curiosity as the horses aren’t shy nor afraid to come forward to investigate something new. The horses were just as curious about Marley as she was about them, and after an initial sniff and smell here and there she’s now quite happy to hang around in the paddock sniffing around when we’re playing with the horses. The horses aren’t too concerned at all and are happy enough to have her company.

My cocky Jo rules the roost and was most perturbed to have yet another interloper take my time and attention away from her, so when I have Jo out of her aviary, Marley is not to be seen. She learned early on that if she comes within Jo’s vision she’ll be stalked, attacked, harassed and chased off. Marley is a large dog and Jo is merely a bird, so thankfully Marley is a gentle and thoughtful dog and chooses to walk away. In reality, it would be the end of Jo in one snap of the jaws if Marley so chose, whether Jo realizes that or not.

The chickens and ducks have posed a bit of curiosity for Marley and she’s spent a bit of time sniffing around their coops, interesting in their doings, but other than that, she barely glances at them.

The thing I find most interesting is that although it was my husband Steve who initially brought Marley to our home as a birthday gift for me, she seems to radiate and is attached to me most predominantly, as though she KNOWS that she is meant to be my dog. She gets lots of positive attention from all members of the family and everyone who visits, but she is certainly most attracted to me … which I think is wonderful of course! Her personality is perfectly suited to me and our whole farm-tribe, and I can honestly say that I am absolutely besotted with her.

I know from my spiritual work, my study of the spiritual laws and communication with the spiritual realm, plus the theory and practice I’ve put in personally, I KNOW that we send out an energy to attract all experiences and people (and animals) into our lives. In the case of both Marley and I, I’d been putting out for the perfect dog, and she’d been putting out for the perfect home. Between the two of us, and with the help of the Universe of course, we managed to find each other.

What a beautiful blessing she is …

 Love and Light
Sacred Scribes
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